Sunday, December 26, 2010


* The development of motor bike wheels enable it dared to practice4.* Dare to try games like monkey traps, sliding,jump-jump and so forth.* Dare to ask critically about things that do not fitwithmind. For example "Why did Mom have to work on?"* It is responsible for routine activities, such as wakebed bath directly without the need to fuss, like brushing your teeth while bathingwithregularly and so forth.* It is a growing awareness of time to eat, sleep, drink milk, andforth. At least, he does not need to show more fussinessin connection with these activities.* The development of motor skills enabled him to wear his own shoes andput back in place after use.* Responsible for care of his toys in a wayafter use and return it to its original place.At least it appears the awareness to do it yourself thoughstillno assistance from the adults around them.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Most great people to realize success in one's life, and it

in professional or personal, need social skills. A person who
success, as you know, in general they are aware of themselves and know
how to understand and work effectively with others. 
socialize needed in friendship, school life, community of life and ultimately in life work.

Recent These experts have said that our children have social skills decline especially in the era of high technology as it is now. 
Role technology on the lives of our children so much and this causes corresponding decrease in social interaction.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Know How Children Learn

Every individual is unique. This means that every individual has the difference between the one with the other. The differences are diverse, ranging from physical differences, patterns of thinking and ways to respond to or learn new things. In this study, each individual has its own advantages and disadvantages in absorbing the lessons given. Therefore, in the education world are known various methods to meet the demands of these individual differences. In developed countries the education system is made even in such a way that individuals can freely choose the education pattern in accordance with the characteristics themselves.
In Indonesia, we often hear complaints from parents who feel you've done a variety of ways to make their children become "smart." Parents are competing to send their children to the best schools. In addition, children enrolled in various courses and private lessons are sometimes run out of time-consuming that could have used a child or teen to play or socialize with their peers.However, these efforts often do not produce results as expected, and some have even caused problems for children and adolescents.
What exactly happened? Why children are not being smart for a visit? One factor that could be the cause is a mismatch way of learning which is owned by the child with learning methods are applied in the education she lived including courses or private lessons. How to learn is meant here is a combination of how individuals absorb, and organize and manage information.

Brain For Learning Center
The human brain is a collection of the most complex mass of protoplasm that exist in the universe. The only organ that can examine itself and if well cared for in environments that generate adequate stimulation, the brain can function in active and reactive for more than a hundred years. The brain is at the center of learning that must be maintained well into a lifetime to avoid damage.
According to MacLean, the human brain has three basic parts which are all known as the triune brain / three in one brain (in DePorter & Hernacki, 2001). 
The first part is the brain stem, the second part of the limbic system and the third is the neocortex.
Brain stem have the same structure with reptilian brain, the brain is responsible for motor functions, sensory-physical knowledge that comes from senses. Conduct that was developed part of this is the behavior for survival and the urge to preserve the species.
Around the brain stem there is the limbic system is very complex and extensive. 
This system is at the center of the human brain.Emotional and cognitive function is the store feeling, a pleasant experience, memory and learning ability. In addition, these systems regulate the body's biorhythms such as sleep patterns, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, heart disease, sexual arousal, temperature, body chemistry, metabolism and immune system.The limbic system is the control panel in the use of information from the senses of sight, hearing, body sensation, touching, smelling as input and this information was conveyed to the thinkers in the brain is the neocortex.
Neocortex wrapped around the sides of the limbic system, which owns 80% of all brain matter. This section is where bersemayamnya center of human intelligence. These sections organize the messages received through sight, hearing and sensation of the human body. Process derived from this arrangement is the reasoning, intellectual thinking, decision making, normal behavior, language, conscious motor control, and the idea of non-verbal. In the neocortex is also a higher intelligence is located, are: linguistic, mathematical, spatial / visual, kinesthetic / feeling, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intuition.

Characteristics of Learning
Based on the ability of the brain to absorb, manage and deliver information, then how individual learning can be divided into 3 (three) categories. The third category is how to learn visual, auditory and kinesthetic characterized by a certain behavioral characteristics. This categorization does not mean that individuals who have only one way to learn certain characteristics that it has no way of learning the other characteristics. This categorization is only a guideline that the individual has one of the most prominent characteristics so that if he got the appropriate stimulation of learning it will be easier to absorb the lesson. In other words, if the individual discover learning methods that match the characteristics of learning itself so fast it would be "smart" so that the courses or intensive private tutoring may not be needed anymore.

The behavioral characteristics of individuals with characteristics of learning as mentioned above, according to DePorter & Hernacki (2001), are as follows:
Behavior Characteristics of Individuals with Visual Learning
Individuals who have good visual learning abilities characterized by behavioral characteristics as follows:
·                     Neat and orderly
·                     Spoke quickly
·                     Ability to make short-term plan to well
·                     Thorough and detailed
·                     Concerned with appearance
·                     More easily remember what is seen rather than what is he
·                     Remember something based on the visual association
·                     Have the ability to spell the letters with a very good
·                     Usually not easily distracted by noise or noise while learning
·                     Difficult to accept verbal instructions (hence he is often asked for instructions in writing)
·                     Degrees is a fast and diligent reader
·                     More like reading than read in response to everything, he was always being alert, requiring a thorough explanation of the purpose and various other related issues.
·                     If were talking on the phone she like to make a graffiti-graffiti without meaning during speaking
·                     Forgot to deliver verbal messages to other
·                     Often answering questions with short answers "yes" or "no"
·                     More like to demonstrate something rather than make a speech / lecture
·                     More interested in the arts (painting, sculpture, drawing) rather than music
·                     Often know what to say, but not good at writing in words

Behavior Characteristics of Individuals with Auditory Learning
Individuals who have good auditory learning ability is characterized by behavioral characteristics as follows:
·         Often talk to themselves while working
·         Easy disturbed by noise or nois
·         More pleased to hear (read) than reading
·         If reading is more fun to read aloud
·         Able to repeat or imitate the tone, rhythm and sound color
·         Have difficulty to write something, but very good at telling
· Speaking in good rhythm, patterned with
·         Spoke very eloquently
·         More like art than the art that other music
·         Learn by listening and remembering what was discussed rather than what is seen
·         Love to talk, discuss and explain things at length
· Have difficulty if it should be faced with the tasks associated with the visualization
·         More clever to spell or say the words out loud rather than writing
· More like humor or jokes spoken rather than read a book of humor / comics
3. Behavior Characteristics of Individuals with Learning Kinesthetic
Individuals who have a good kinesthetic learning abilities characterized by behavioral characteristics as follows:
·         Speak slowly
·         Respond to physical attention
·         Touching other people to get their attention
·         Stand close when talking with other people
·         Many physical motion
·         Have a good muscle development
·         Learn through direct practice or manipulation
·         Memorize something by way of walk or see straight
·         Use finger to point the word that is read when being read
·         Many use body language (non verbal)
·         Unable to sit still in one place for a long time
·         Difficult to read a map unless he's been to this place
·         Use words that contain action
·         In general, bad writing
·         Like activity or a busy game (physical)
·         Want to do everythin
·         By considering and see how to learn what the most prominent of oneself, a parent or individual in question (which already has a grasp of how to learn her character) is expected to act in a wise and prudent in choosing an appropriate learning method. 

For adolescents who have learning difficulties, try to start thinking and remembering back to what you learn the characteristics of the most effective. After that try to make plans or preparations that are your study tips that support for such capabilities can be developed.One way that could be used is to utilize a variety of educational media such as tape recorders, videos, pictures, etc.. Good luck.Hopefully useful.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The issue strikes a school or school phobia should not be a serious problem, unless there are serious health problems. But if allowed to drag on can really be a serious problem. All depends on the handling done by parents. The longer children are not allowed to attend school and do not get any treatment, the longer the problem it will be finished. However, the sooner treated, the problem will usually gradually recovered in about 1 or 2 weeks. 
1. Stay stressed the importance of schools with required him to stay in school every day. 
Fear that he will naturally be solved by face it directly. The longer allowed to not attend school, will be more difficult to restore it back to school, even more isering and complaints will increase. In addition, children will be more missed lessons, and more difficult to adjust to his friends. 
2. Trying to firm and consistent when responding to complaints, whining, or even rajukan children who do not want school. 
If when the children wake up safe and sound, active and with a good breakfast, but when going to school, it suddenly strikes should parents do not serve the child's attitude of negotiating and still take her to school. Avoid the attitude promises a gift if the child would go to school, because this will be a pattern of bad habits. Children will not have their own awareness of school and why she should get used to manipulate parents and environment. Children learned how a sniper tactics or strategy in an effort to desire accomplished. 
3. Consult a health problem child to the doctor. 
If parents are not sure of the health of children, take it immediately to the doctor to get certainty about the existence of child health problems. So, when the child complained of something in his body, parents can take him to the doctor that is open for practice in the morning after that child can still go back to school. 
Working with the classroom teacher or other assistant in the school. Parents can ask for help the teacher or assistant to calm the children in ways like take him to the library, invite children to rest in a quiet moment, or in older children, teachers can discussproblems that are overwhelm the child. 
4. Take time to discuss / talk with the children what makes children fearful, anxious or reluctant to go to school. 
5. Remove the child gradually. 
Parents should give children the opportunity to adjust to his new environment. In some schools, parents or caregivers are allowed in the classroom until 1-2 weeks or until the specified deadline the school. Remove the child gradually, for example in the first days, parents are in class and over time gradually shifted outside the classroom but still in reach of child's vision. 
6. Consult on the psychologist / counselor if problems occur protracted. 
If a school phobia in the long term, it indicates a psychological problem that needs to be handled by experts proportionally