Many people regard mathematics as the most difficult lesson. Nevertheless everyone should learn it because math is a means to solve the problem of a day - day. No exception on beajar berkesulitan children should also learn. Mastery of mathematics is needed by everyone from an early age. Therefore, learning mathematics should also be given to all people. This is done because mathematics is a science that became the basis for the development of science - the other sciences.However, in giving lessons teachers can not provide material using the same method or in other words the ability of teachers to teach pupils behave averaged using the same method. One example of this applies to students who have berkesulitan learn mathematics. Teachers can not teach math by using the same approach as any other normal student teaching.Many definitions of berkesulitan children learn mathematics, one of which is according to The National Joint Comitte for Learning Disabilities (NJCLD) (in Abdurrahman, 2003) suggests the definition of learning difficulties as follows:Mennjuk learning difficulties in a group of difficulty that is manifested in the form of tangible kesuliatn in proficiency and use of listening skills, conversation - conversation, reading, writing, reasoning, or ability in mathematics. The disorder is intrinsic and is suspected by the presence of central nervous system dysfunction. Although some learning difficulties may occur simultaneously with any other conditions that interfere with (eg, sensory disturbances, tunagrahita, social and emotional barriers) or various environmental influences such as cultural differences, learning that is not appropriate, factor - psychogenic factors.
Children who learn math or berkesulitan called diskalkulia (dyscalculis) according to Lerner (in Abdurrahman, 2003) there are several characteristics: (1) the existence of interference in spatial relations, (2) abnormalities of visual perception, (3) association of visual - motor, ( 4) perseverasi, (5) difficulty in knowing and understanding the symbols, (6) gannguan penhayaan body, (7) difficulties in language and reading, and (8) performance IQ is much lower than verbal IQ scores.Teachers can help children learn math with berkesulitan know many common mistakes that made the child in completing the task - a task in mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics can be directed to the error - error. Or in other words learning more emphasis on things - things that the student is still not mastered. Teachers should check the job or task - the task of siswea and ask students to explain how he arrived at the use of solving such problems. Teachers also need to observe the manner used by the students and make improvements to the mistake - the mistake.Teaching mathematics to children who menalami difficulty learning math should consider the principle - the principle of teaching math. The principle is very helpful to teach mathematics teachers in an effort to achieve success in teaching math. In teaching mathematics teacher should prepare a child to learn mathematics. Many children learn mathematics berkesulitan the cause is a lack of readiness of children to learn mathematics. Children who are not ready when studying mathematics will be increasingly left behind in maths lesson because that is interconnected between the material that will be studied with a material that has been studied.Students who are ready to learn will enable teachers to teach mathematics in a way forward means when mengjarakan should teachers teach from it - something concrete to the abstract. This makes students easily understand the concept - the concept of mathematics well. Things - things that concrete makes students see and feel directly the various objects or objects that could he used to develop math skills. Setela children in a concrete understanding or mastering math skills students are directed to replace the object or objects had become a symbol - a symbol or picture in mathematics.More time given by the teacher will provide many opportunities for students to practice and repeat that the students are able to apply concepts they have learned. Teachers will be able to understand students' advantages and disadvantages or ability and inability of students so that the training given to students is not too heavy nor too light. Students who learn from it - something real and exercise - exercise in accordance with the stages - the stages meaning given yng exercise starts from things - things that easy to difficult to make students get the opportunity to generalize skills into many other things. For example, students can practice counting with many questions - about the story given by the teacher or the students themselves. The goal is students acquire the skills - new skills in identifying and applying the concept - the concept of arithmetic operations to different or new situations.The approach mentioned above will produce something good for students when teachers in mengaplikasinnya consistently. So that mathematics learning disabilities in children who have difficulty learning mathematics (diskalkulia) can be resolved. And children who have difficulty learning mathematics (diskalkulia) to learn mathematics as normal as students in general. Hope that is not when the importance is that by learning math math learning difficulties (diskalkulia) can solve the problem of the day - the day he faced related to mathematics.
Children who learn math or berkesulitan called diskalkulia (dyscalculis) according to Lerner (in Abdurrahman, 2003) there are several characteristics: (1) the existence of interference in spatial relations, (2) abnormalities of visual perception, (3) association of visual - motor, ( 4) perseverasi, (5) difficulty in knowing and understanding the symbols, (6) gannguan penhayaan body, (7) difficulties in language and reading, and (8) performance IQ is much lower than verbal IQ scores.Teachers can help children learn math with berkesulitan know many common mistakes that made the child in completing the task - a task in mathematics. Thus, learning mathematics can be directed to the error - error. Or in other words learning more emphasis on things - things that the student is still not mastered. Teachers should check the job or task - the task of siswea and ask students to explain how he arrived at the use of solving such problems. Teachers also need to observe the manner used by the students and make improvements to the mistake - the mistake.Teaching mathematics to children who menalami difficulty learning math should consider the principle - the principle of teaching math. The principle is very helpful to teach mathematics teachers in an effort to achieve success in teaching math. In teaching mathematics teacher should prepare a child to learn mathematics. Many children learn mathematics berkesulitan the cause is a lack of readiness of children to learn mathematics. Children who are not ready when studying mathematics will be increasingly left behind in maths lesson because that is interconnected between the material that will be studied with a material that has been studied.Students who are ready to learn will enable teachers to teach mathematics in a way forward means when mengjarakan should teachers teach from it - something concrete to the abstract. This makes students easily understand the concept - the concept of mathematics well. Things - things that concrete makes students see and feel directly the various objects or objects that could he used to develop math skills. Setela children in a concrete understanding or mastering math skills students are directed to replace the object or objects had become a symbol - a symbol or picture in mathematics.More time given by the teacher will provide many opportunities for students to practice and repeat that the students are able to apply concepts they have learned. Teachers will be able to understand students' advantages and disadvantages or ability and inability of students so that the training given to students is not too heavy nor too light. Students who learn from it - something real and exercise - exercise in accordance with the stages - the stages meaning given yng exercise starts from things - things that easy to difficult to make students get the opportunity to generalize skills into many other things. For example, students can practice counting with many questions - about the story given by the teacher or the students themselves. The goal is students acquire the skills - new skills in identifying and applying the concept - the concept of arithmetic operations to different or new situations.The approach mentioned above will produce something good for students when teachers in mengaplikasinnya consistently. So that mathematics learning disabilities in children who have difficulty learning mathematics (diskalkulia) can be resolved. And children who have difficulty learning mathematics (diskalkulia) to learn mathematics as normal as students in general. Hope that is not when the importance is that by learning math math learning difficulties (diskalkulia) can solve the problem of the day - the day he faced related to mathematics.
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